Film Archive

Australian circus artists appeared in an American newsreel as early as 1903 and in a Hollywood silent feature film as early as 1913. Unfortunately, no examples of these films appear to have survived the years. 

Many other films of Australian circus and circus performers, known to have been taken in the early 1900s, have been lost or destroyed.

Fortunately, footage of Australian circus and circus performers, taken as far back as the 1920s, has survived. Some footage is found in newsreels, home movies and television archives.


The Seven Ashtons – Risley Acrobats

Circa. 1955  |  USA

The Seven Ashtons

Circa. 1960  |  USA

The Ashtons – Billy Smarts Circus

Circa. 1975 | UK

The Warrens – Australian Acrobats

1994 | Australia

The Warrens – Australian Acrobats

1994 | Australia


Con Colleano – Australian Tightwire Wizard

Circa. 1939  |  USA

Con Colleano – Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey

Circa. 1929  |  USA

Con Colleano – Home movies

Circa. 1929 & 1939  |  USA

Con Colleano – A life commemorated

2005  |  AU

Winnie Colleano – Trapeze

Circa. 1939  |  USA

Con Colleano – Short Documentary

1994  |  AU

Con Colleano – Cole Bros Circus

Circa. 1950  |  USA

Colleano Family

Circa. 1939  |  UK

Con Colleano – Cirque Medrano

Circa. 1936  |  FR

Con Colleano – Cole Bros Circus

Circa. 1949  |  USA

Australia’s Colleano Family in Colour

Circa. 1930-36


Circa. 1920s – 1940s

The Colleano Heart


Tom FitzGerald – Circus Proprietor


St Leon

St Leon Troupe – Unknown

Circa. 1959  |  USA

St Leon Troupe – The Australian acrobats

Circa. 1949  |  USA

St Leons – Wirths Circus

1951  |  AU

St Leons –  Sole Bros Circus

1949  |  NZ

Honey Family | Coney Island

1926  |  USA

The Honey Girls | Acrobatic quartette

1956  |  USA

Honey Family | Movie ‘State Fair’

1933 | USA

Honey Family| Newsreel

Circa. 1934 | AU


Wirths Circus

Circa. 1954  |  AU

Wirths Circus & Zoo | Brisbane

Circa. 1934  |  AU

Wirths Circus | Departure to New Zealand

Circa. 1954 | AU

Wirths Circus | Olympia Melbourne

Circa. 1934 | AU

Wirths Circus & Zoo | Unloading

Circa. 1953 | NZ?

Wirths Circus

1951 | AU

May Wirth

Circa. 1924 | USA

May Wirth, Hollywood Screen Test

1917 | USA

Wirths Circus & Zoo | Elephant Unloading

Circa. 1953 | AU

Wirths Circus | Mount Morgan, QLD

Circa. 1953 | AU

Other Great Circus Artists

Codonas | Polly of the Circus

Circa. 1932 | USA

Codonas | With Australian Vera Bruce

Circa. 1932 | USA

Codonas | Wintergarten Berlin

Circa. 1925 | DE

Japanese Acrobats | Risley & Foot Juggling

Circa. 1904 | JP

Caicedo| Columbian Tightrope Walker

Circa. 1894 | CO

Lillian Leitzel | Aerial Gymnast

Circa. 1929 | USA

Julians Troupe Acrobats

Circa. 1902

“Jandy” Jandaschewsky, musical clown

Circa 1960 | Australia

Truxa – featuring tight wire artist, Edgar Eitner

1937 | Germany

Other Genres

Napier & Yvonne

Circa. 1920 | AU

Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show


Gaston Palmer


Gaston Palmer


Gaston Palmer


Gaston Palmer